Take a Solo Trip regardless of your Age.

Half of you reading this will think that taking solo trips is awesome and you should plan one soon. The other half are still unconvinced of the reason why people take solo trips at all and prefer to travel in duos or groups. Well on one side of the coin, everyone likes to travel in groups and with friends, but another side of the coin is the wonderful experience you have when you travel alone. I was never interested in solo travel, never did the idea intrigue me. It hit me like a bag of bricks when I wanted to go to Mount Everest Base Camp and could not find anyone to go with me. Taking three weeks out of your life (in 12th grade, might I add) and going to the Himalayas and spending quite a bit of money, not something everyone is interested in. I should probably mention that I was 17, yes all of that information is accurate, and I’m not sure how I pulled it off.


On one side I love to travel with friends and family, but I found a new found love for solo traveling. There are multiple facets of a situation,Travel is no exception. I had the pleasure to take another solo trip to Indonesia recently and it was another experience that I will cherish forever. It often scares people that if you travel alone then you will get lonely or bored and will have very little to do; me saying that you won’t, will make no difference. You have to take the chance and experience it for yourself.

Solo trips are an experience that you can experience at any age and in any part of the world. Most of the sites out there suggest that you should take a solo trip in your 20’s or 30’s or something along those lines. I won’t say they are wrong, but don’t be limited by what they say, if you are younger than that or older than that and still want to take this journey, then pack your bags and GO!




Being the control freak that I am, it was a change for me when all my plans in Indonesia fell apart when I actually got there. I found new things to do and new excursions to experience and got better deals on them too. It was a fresh change from a pre planned trip, and just basically letting go. I had a major epiphany during my travels which taught me that everything is not in my control and I have to learn to go with the flow. That is something I am still learning but its on its way to being mastered.

Never think of travel as a task or something that requires effort, that is when travel loses its essence. Its supposed to help you let go of all that stress and effort and just let you be in peace. I hope everyone reading this article finds some amount of peace in their travels and once you take that solo trip, here’s hoping that you find your true essence of travel. If you already know it or find out later. Share it with me on social media or down in the comments. Happy Travelling!

Follow my page on Instagram for regular updates on travel and new places that I might stumble upon. Instagram: @drifttoday

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